Jinko & Blazer.
Jinko (Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Private Affair currently in the lead for Top Retriever 2015) was the only Retriever to get an EXCELLENT in the PROVA ATTITUDINALE. Blazer won 4th MB in the Field Trial.

The star 🌟 of the show was Roy. In his debut in the Working Test he lived up to his pedigree name Royal Crest Gold-n Up to Stuff. A big compliment to his owner Moira who also was a debutante in a Working test. Roy followed DAD'S (CH. Royal Crest Gold-n Oh My Lord "Blazer") footsteps winning the combination WORK & SHOW which Blazer won at the last combination event. All in the family!

Bravo Angelo Zoccali and thanks for your wonderful training.