mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025





«giugno 2011»




News from Royal Crest


19/06 Part 1 - TROJAN and FITCH BOB CACIB and RCACIB, CAC at the Int’l of Orvieto

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We were so pleased that under the breed specialist judge Sue Almey, our dogs did so well. She gave Trojan the CACIB and Fitch the CAC and RCACIB.  Black Maverick 3rd and Sunbeam 4th in open class.  Ritz second in young class.  Her critiques were priceless, and very much appreciated.  Thank you also to BOB judge Sig. Cuccillato for Trojan's BOB, which entitled  him to compete for the group.

Ch. RCG Trick or Treat  BOB CACIB & RCG Anna’s Speed Priority RCACIB CAC

Again we thank judge, Sue Almey, so much for appreciating our boys.  A VERY SPECIAL day for the ROYAL CREST kennel!

18/06 - What a nice surprise! Best young Golden at Orvieto Club Show

Colorado 0 3195 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

I was so thrilled with the unexpected 1 EXC in Young class from Sue Almey. It is a funny story because after the entire class was shown under this judge, and only the excellent were called back in, we were not one of the numbers (which meant RCG I'm Still Standing Shalimar, a.k.a. Sally Scendi, got a very good). O.k. I ran back up to our area, which was at the other end of the park, to get one of the dogs that was in another ring (we entered only one bitch, and four dogs were judged by an Italian judge in another ring), Shalimar was put in her crate, and I took out one of the dogs that was due to go in the dog ring.  Coming back down with a dog, the ring steward from the bitches, ran into me and told me there was a mistake, and Sally was to come back into the young bitch ring for the final line-up. So I ran back to our area, put away the dog, and took Sally Scendi back to the ring. This only happened because Ms. Almey remembered Sally and wondered why she was not in the ring. Incredible, but true. Sally Scendi won the class and Best Young.  Wow, was I happy.

Royal Crest Gold-n I’m Still Standing Shalimar - BEST YOUNG GOLDEN

It was so rewarding for our kennel that our ONLY bitch written into the Club Show , had such wonderful results. 

Thank you judge Sue Almey for Sally’s BEST YOUNG GOLDEN award .

Int'l Empoli 11/06 - A new Generation facing the future!

Colorado 0 3470 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

We were so thrilled that under judge Kay Creamer, Royal Crest dogs did well again in Empoli .

Trojan was best male with CACIB, Sunbeam won the CAC, and best of all, the daughter of Trojan, RCG I'm Still Standing Shalimar, won her young class, and did best bitch, and BOB!

She went on to do 3rd BOG (watch the video).  What a wonderful day.  I was so happy!  Trojan's daughter beat her father!  That is what breeding is all about.  The new generation is better than the last.  Not so easy, but that is what we try and do.  I always want a better golden.  It was so nice to have an expert judge that judged the dog, not the lead.

We thank the group judge, Sig. Buratti, for appreciating the quality of our golden in the group.


Colorado 0 3111 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

Having heard from ENCI.

Maverick is missing an International ticket. 

The error occurred because we mistakenly thought the CAC won at the International Insurbia winner was a Mostra speciale instead it was CAC in Raduno within the International.

In other words, Maverick needs another CAC in an International show to complete his required tickets for Italian CH.  

Sorry about the error.




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