Happy New Year from Royal Crest

Happy New Year
We feel so lucky to have concluded the results of the year with Indy's (It.Ch. Int.Ch. V.Ch.Soc. Royal Crest Gold-n Heart to Heart) fantastic win in the field. Cact and Trophy “The Dusk Cup for the Gun’s Choice” at Lajatico (PI), followed by a 2nd R. CACT in Sardinia, and the show results by our young dogs, BOB,CACIB Royal Crest Gold-n Miracle WAy and BOS CACIB, Royal Crest Gold-n Anna's Speed Priority, not to mention the other Royal Crest results both in the field and the show at these events. Our young dogs winning over their cousins in Ch. Class, makes our hard work worthwhile!
As always, many thanks to the judges who appreciated our goldens, and a special thanks to Stefania Martinoli for her keen interest in preparing Kindy for the field.
We wish you a prosperous and serene Happy New Year from all of us at Royal Crest Gold-n.