Colorado / sabato 23 ottobre 2010 / Categorie: News RADUNO TABIANO We were so pleased with .Ch.Soc.,Ft.W.,Int.Ch.,It.Ch.Royal Crest Gold-n Blue Sky Jenny going BOB over 138 goldens at the raduno of Tabiano and compliments to Federico for her MB in Field the day after. We thank the judges that appreciated our entries. Royal Crest Gold-n Last Try “Unicorn” finished her Championship tickets on Sunday! Her title is in homologation. Thank you to all the judges who valued her qualities entitling her to become our new Italian Show Champion! Precedente A great photo of "our golden Angel" Prossimo A "WHOPPER" OF A WEEK-END! BACK TO BACK B.O.B. Stampa 3436 Valuta questo articolo: Nessuna valutazione